Online Course (Re)Design: Opportunities and Challenges

FLANC Conference

October 20, 2017
Sheraton Imperial, Durham, NC

When faced with offering fully online Spanish courses at Durham Tech, we took the opportunity to redesign our first and second semester classes with the online environment in mind. In this session, we will discuss our core design elements: thematic units related to (but not governed by) the textbook, an emphasis on community and cultural engagement, and overall ease of use. We will walk you through our courses, share activities and assessments we have used, and discuss the challenges faced.

Here is the Online Course (Re)Design presentation used during the session.

Below are several of the assignments and information used in the online courses:

Syllabus for first semester Spanish course

Syllabus for second semester Spanish course

Chicano poetry hour project for group work using a wiki. Online students prepared a presentation for an on-campus audience.

Immigrant survival guide project for personalized connections to material. Students used their own hometown to consider what immigrants face when coming to their town.

Required Partner Recordings in second semester course. Students could find their own partner or be paired with a student in our third semester course.

Community Spanish project requires students to engage with language and culture in various ways through the semester.